About Us
Founded January 24, 1980
Our society traces its roots to a weekly genealogy class led for several years by Elaine Macy at the Auburn-Placer County Library. On January 24, 1980, members of the class formally organized as the Auburn Historical & Genealogical Society. In June 1982, our name changed to Placer County Genealogical Society.
Helping You Discover Your Family History
Our mission is to encourage you to take an active interest in genealogy by:
1. Providing education on how to do genealogical research.
2. Promoting preservation of, and access to, records of genealogical value.
3. Publishing a newsletter with items of interest to genealogists.
4. Maintaining a genealogical research library in Placer County.
Post Office Box 7385
Auburn, California 95604
(866) 894-2076 (voice mail only)
Cyndi Davis
Vice President
Barbara Leak
Past President
Diane Fishburn
Recording Secretary
Carol Peterson
Corresponding Secretary
Bill Heisch
Wendy Black
John Knox
Larry Combs
Editor Placer Trails: Bill Heisch
PCGS Web Master: Barbara Leak
Publicity: Diane Fishburn
Voice Mail: Wendy Black
Day Study Group: Barbara Leak
DNA Special Interest Group: Doug Saathoff
Programs (General Meetings): Wendy Black & Diane Fishburn
Library & Research:
Librarian: Carol Zobel
Research: Wendy Black, John Knox & Barbara Leak
Meetings & Membership:
Door Prizes: Larry & Cindy Combs
Hospitality: Carol Gebel & Carol Petersen
Representatives to Affiliated & Partner Organizations:
Friends of the Loomis Library: Carol Petersen
National Genealogical Society: Cyndi Davis
Placer County Historical Organizations Committee: Diane Fishburn
Sacramento Regional Genealogical Council: Cyndi Davis
Past Presidents
1980 Elaine Macy, founding president
1981 Jimmy Lee Blair, Sally Campos & Ella-Louise Whaley, a committee of three who shared the duties of president and vice president.
1982 Dorothy Thomsson
1983 & 1984 Shelly Fletcher
1985 Sally Campos
1986 Nancy Kleven
1987 Linda Nelson
1988 & 1990 Annabelle Chandler
1989, 1991, 1997 - 1999 Barbara Leak
1992 Margaret "Missy' Wilson
1993 Marilyn Larson
1994 Pamela Gissy
1995 Pamela Dallas
1996 June Schlager
2000 & 2001, 2013 & 2014 Cindy Toffelmier Combs
2002 & 2003 Joyce House
2004 - 2012 Jerry Unruh
2015 & 2016 Alora Lipsmeyer
2017 - current Cyndi Davis